Today in Mayo History

Isaac Madden

Imagine hanging out at door 6 and talking with your friends when all of a sudden you hear the uncanny babble of a toddler. You feel a slight tug at your pants, look down, and there one is! It doesn’t really affect you because stranger things have happened at Mayo, but then you gaze across the room and there’s another at the window. Shocked, you look to your friend for confirmation, but they too have turned in an infant! This is what the March of 1981 would’ve been like when some new faces were introduced to the halls of Mayo. Back then, the Child Development Program, a nursery school,

curious baby boy studying nursery room

held a course at Mayo that studied the behaviors of young children through various activities. Some of the activities that took place were plays, arts, science, and physical education. Field trips also occurred with the kiddos visiting places like the library and Silver Lake Park! A variety of guest speakers would also visit like the Mr. Pearson, the old art teacher, who taught about and displayed his wildlife art. Another speaker from Oxbow Park brought in various animals for the kids to pet and hold all the while learning valuable lessons about nature and our community! The program was a success at the time, but obviously didn’t last. Now, would something like this be able to swing today? Who knows, maybe next time you plop down at your desk you’ll be met with a big toothless grin sitting right next to you.