HOM: Rachel Goldsmith

Lauren Keller

rachelllllWhat’s been your favorite year of high school so far?

“Junior year,”

“I loved my teachers and classes that I was signed up to take,”

What teachers and classes made it so memorable?

“Mr. Lunde’s psychology class was by far my favorite class not only junior year but in all of my years in high school,”


“He elaborated on everything he talked about and gave so many relevant examples that made things stick in your head. He kept everyone engaged all hour every hour and I learned so much,”

How has this impacted your life?

“I am currently taking a psychology class at RCTC for PSEO and having had the background from Lunde, it makes the class so much easier for me. The teacher I have now for psych doesn’t go in detail for anything but because Lunde did when I had him, it helps my understanding in a college level class,”