HOM: Cami Neubauer


What is your favorite subject in school?



Why do you like band?

“There is a lot of different things you can do, like marching band and pep band,”


What is your favorite aspect of band and why?

“Marching band. It involves a lot of different skills and techniques. It’s the type of music, pop music, that we get into and know,”


How do you incorporate band into your life outside of school?

“I listen to all different types of music instead of just basic genres like pop. Also, marching band requires us to practice outside of school and during the non-school months,”


Throughout your years of being in band at Mayo, what is your favorite memory?

“Last year was my favorite, when I started to get more involved. I met a lot of new people that were in different grades, and made new friends,”


Do you plan to continue band after high school?

Yes, I plan to possibly minor in it in college.


Do you have anything to add for anyone considering taking band or continuing it?

“I strongly encourage taking band because you will get out of your “norm” and meet a lot of new people. You get involved in a lot of different activities whether it’s going to football, basketball, or hockey games, or participating in things like Meet the Ensemble and Big Nine,”


Describe band in three adjectives:

“Challenging, fun, and various”