Humans of Mayo: Grace Perrone

kash3 (1)What are you most talented at?


“I would say being active. I enjoy getting things done, and being as busy as I am requires patience and improvising.”


What is your worst nightmare?

“My worst nightmare is not being able to move my legs. I have dreams of just being stuck and not being able to do anything, and it really scares me.”


What are you most looking forward to when you leave for college?


“I am looking forward to the freedom I will have and all the time I will have to myself to do whatever I want to do.”

Who do you admire the most and why?


“I admire my cousin Courtney the most because as beautiful as a person she is, she is also incredibly smart and creative. I can’t find any flaw in her and I love her so much. She encourages me to be confident and strong.”

What is the strangest dream you have ever had and what was it about?


“The strangest dream I have ever had was when I was imagining myself jumping around an island. However, it wasn’t just any sort of jump. I was able to jump from the ground, to above the tree lines and into the horizon. It was a magical feeling, and I actually felt like I was flying. I have never had that dream again, but I would definitely like to jump a million miles into the air if I could.”

What is one of your worst habits?


“One of my worst habits is breaking stuff. I am in a rush  a lot of the time and many times I am thinking about a plethora of things to do, that I become disorganized. I end up being more messy than neat and I wish I could change that.”