Are you and the underclassmen still trying to prove yourself? This is your chance to show the Spartan community you have the best class. Here’s how! Be the Kings and Queens of Penny Wars.
What is Penny Wars? It is a battle between all the grades to see who can collect the most pennies. Each penny is considered 1 point, and any other change or dollars are considered negative points. Whichever grade has the most points at the end of the GOFA season wins.
How do you participate in Penny Wars? Go to the mid-level of door 6 stairway and place your pennies in the appropriate grade tube. Make sure you remember that only pennies are positive and all other forms of change or dollars are negative. So save all your pennies for your grade and put your silver and dollars into the tubes of competing grades.
Where is Penny Wars? The tubes are held at door 6, and the coins are counted in Mr. Parker’s room.
Who organizes Penny Wars? The student government executive board organizes this specific part of GOFA. They are also the ones who collect and count the pennies.
Why do we do Penny Wars? We use pennies because pennies are often overlooked after a purchase and just sit around in cars or wallets; here is your chance to get rid of them. It just goes to show you that every little penny counts toward the big picture.
When is Penny Wars? Penny Wars begins December 2 and ends just before the final GOFA pepfest.