First cheerleaders at Mayo High School since 2007
November 11, 2019
This year Mayo High School has a new addition: cheerleaders! Coached by Stephanie Schmidt, their mission is to bring a well-established institution that has been missing from sporting events at our school for many years. Captain Molly Haslam says “Our main goal is to bring more spirit back and hype everyone up. Some sports didn’t get that many people to come watch them, but when we go [to their games] we bring with us a new, more exciting atmosphere. We also bring a more positive atmosphere to the football games, especially for the parents and families. They didn’t really have any cheers and chants to get into, but now that we are here to help they can.”
Though they are doing incredible things now, they came a long way. Last year, cheer team’s coach, Stephanie Schmidt, a Mayo High School alumni and former cheerleader asked the athletic director if they could begin a cheer team, but was warned that there might be very little interest. However, their coach persisted. After a long process they were finally allowed to hold tryouts. Sixty-Six girls tried out, and twenty-one girls made it. From that point forward, they started having practices and went to a stunt camp to learn how to do their stunting safely. They had a couple practices each week and began working hard to be ready for the start of the Fall sports season. “I don’t really think anyone really knows what goes on behind the scenes [to make things a success],” said Haslam. “Amy Ramanauskas, the other cheer captain, and I do so much for cheer outside of practice, like make formations, and put together playlists.”
Not only that, but they also started the program with absolutely no money and didn’t even have a Mayo Cheer bank account. To earn money, they all had to sell a certain amount of t-shirts and that was how they paid for their uniforms. “It was a lot of hard work just to get basic equipment,” says sophomore cheerleader Grace Schembri. They raised over $1,600 and still had to pay for warmups, pom-poms, shoes, and camps they went to because they had so little money in the budget. “In the end, it was all worth it. I have grown to love my team so much and would encourage everyone to try out!” says sophomore cheerleader, Adelay Markham.
According to all the girls, cheer is so much fun for them, and they are very glad that they joined. They’re also very happy it’s back at Mayo. So come and support these hard working girls as they radiate their energy and show us some good Mayo high school spirit!
Photos courtesy of Donovan Paulson