H.O.P.E. Club gives hope to others
December 18, 2017
H.O.P.E. stands for Health Organization for the Purpose of Educating others. H.O.P.E. club strives to raise awareness and money to promote mental health, healthy choices, and education about health disorders and illnesses. There are many events during the school year raising awareness and charity, including the blood drive, H.O.P.E. week, and Safe Driving week.
Mayo Clinic offers students a chance to donate blood, and H.O.P.E. club members help to organize the drive. During H.O.P.E. week, the club leaders and members in the club raise money for awareness to fight disease and illnesses. Members also sell food, and there are dress up days during H.O.P.E. week. The club also runs Safe Driving week, just before Prom. A mock crash is performed by the club members. Additionally, the organization arranges for Police officers to our school to host activities and to feature guest speakers.
H.O.P.E. club is meant to enable students to have fun, get involved, and meet new people while promoting awesome causes! Come to Mr. Roberson’s classroom every Thursday after school at 3:05 to join and get involved! All members have a specific position such as poster maker, publicist, secretary, or activity director. For more information, talk to the Co-Presidents Youser Yousi, Alli Szewczynski, and Hope Thilges. If you have any questions, ask Mr. Roberson in person, or write to him through his email, [email protected].