Graduating is Just the Beginning
May 17, 2017
June is almost here! For us seniors, the first two weeks are eventful and exciting. The day is fast approaching when we walk across the stage in our caps and gowns in front of our families and peers. To kick off the month of June, seniors will be taking their last round of final exams over the course of June 2nd through the 5th. The schedule for those two days is not unusual; the periods are typical daily class length. This means that if teachers’ finals are longer, they will need to be started on Friday and continued on Monday.

Following finals, seniors are released immediately, and earlier than other Mayo students. The official last day for seniors is Monday, the fifth; whereas the rest of the student body will be released after their finals on Thursday, June 8th. All lockers should be cleared, and textbooks should be returned by the end of the last day of class.
Leading up to the graduation ceremony, there will be one rehearsal. This mandatory rehearsal will be the morning of Friday the 9th. Seniors are to arrive at Mayo High School, in the auditorium, before 8:00am. From there, they will be bussed over to the Civic Center to review the order of events taking place the following day.
The commencement ceremony will take place the following Saturday, June 10th, 7:00pm at the Taylor Arena of the Mayo Civic Center. Admission tickets are not required in order to attend . Students are to arrive at 6:00 pm, an hour early, while guests are encouraged to arrive with plenty of time to get to their seats, as the ceremony will start at the specified time without delay.
Following the ceremony, families may gather with their graduates for pictures in the lobby, or in the outside area, where a Mayo backdrop will be located and available.
On the night of the ceremony, at 10:30pm, seniors who have purchased senior party tickets will attend an all-night event full of activities which involve expensive prize giveaways, a hypnotist show, and many more events. Many other things, including the theme, are to remain secret until then. The party goes until 4:45 in the morning.
The end is almost here, and with it comes many goodbyes, and the start of many great adventures. Twelve years in the making, and the Class of 2017 is almost out the door. In just a span of a few days, seniors will take their finals, attend a rehearsal for graduation, take part in the titular ceremony, and spend a night partying alongside their fellow senior classmates. The Mayo Advocate staff would like to take this moment to say “Congratulations to all the graduates and good luck in your future endeavors.”